Margaret de Vos van Steenwijk, President of INLW spoke in Singapore with ladies from Women Democrats, the organization of Women of the Singapore Democratic Party, which is affiliated to Liberal International, the international federation of liberal parties as observer member party.
Jaslyn Go en Yeo Poh Hong explained that the position and the rights of women in Singapore, contrary to what many may expect are still far from equal. Women continue to be subject of abuse in their homes. They earn less than men for the same work. Daycare for children is far too expensive for the most Singaporians, so that many mothers now stay at home and are forced to pick up the traditional role in the household. Foreign-born women married to Singaporeans are disadvantaged making them more dependent on their spouse. Only 22% of the parliamentarians are women, while of course the women form more than 50 % of the population.
As opposition party it is difficult to get support in any form from sympathizers who are often afraid this may be unhelpful for their careers.
These brave women do know that the road forward in women’s rights will be long, but they are willing to work now for a better future for Women in general and especially in Singapore!
We discussed that INLW and Women Democrats will work together whereby INLW can give them a platform where they can voice their information and concerns to the world through INLW channels.