BUDAPEST 2002: 21-23 March INLW General Meeting
Congress Theme: Good Governance- a liberal view
INLW General Meeting 21 March
INLW resolutions submitted and adopted by L.I. Congress
1993 Vienna Declaration
Resolution on the 1993 Vienna Declaration The human rights of women and of the girl-child are an inalienable, integral and indivisible part of universal human rights. The full and equal participation of women in political, civil, economic, social and cultural life, at the national, regional and international levels, and the eradication of all forms of discrimination on grounds of sex are priority objectives of the international community.
Liberal International is of the opinion that the reservations made by the states which are party to the declaration are counter productive to the universality of women’s rights and therefore demands:
BE IT RESOLVED that Liberal International take concrete steps to bring the issue of reservations to the attention of Liberal International member bodies, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Liberal International take a leadership role in bringing to the attention of its member bodies the specific United Nations guidelines for reporting by States parties on reservations which they have entered to the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Liberal International urge all its member bodies to adhere fully without reservations to the United Nations Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women so that the Vienna Declaration can be realized.
Women in Afghanistan
The Liberal International Congress, meeting in Budapest on 21st.-23rd March 2002:
States its satisfaction concerning the start of the process of democratisation and constitutional reforms in Afghanistan but in particular states its concern in relation to the protection of the Afghan women.
Notes the dangers of maintaining legislation constraining the freedom of women, such as their rights to education, their access to occupations, dress freedom, and any other restriction to their political, civil and human rights.
Considers that the efforts made by the United Nations, and the non-governmental and other international organisations should keep on being carried out to boost and guarantee the women’s participation in the social and political changes in Afghanistan, and to avoid all kind of gender discrimination.
Calls on all liberal politicians and parties to raise this issue within their governments and to support additional international initiatives to put an end to the discrimination against Afghan women.
Marriage Reform
Liberal International is committed to the freedom of the individual as the basis of true democracy, to be exercised freely within the constraints required to respect the freedom of others.
This freedom includes equality between men and women and their equal right to form a family.
Liberal International accordingly rejects all constraints on personal liberty which are incompatible with this commitment.
Liberal International further notes that in many countries marriage regulations continue to constrain the freedom of the individual, notably by: 1. The requirement that marriage is dependent upon the exchange of wealth (whether in the
form of dowry or bride price). 2. The requirement in some countries that women leave paid employment on marriage. 3. The requirement that one of the partners must leave the parental home and become a member of the other’s family. 4. Lack of adequate legal status for individuals who form their family in a way which does not conform to a country’s current marriage regulations.
Liberal International accordingly asks all members to consider reviewing their State’s marriage laws and customs, with a view to promoting: 1. Parental commitment to each other and their children with consequent improvements in social stability. 2. Freedom of the individual from outmoded constraints of law or custom.