LI congress November 2024 in Santiago, Chile
This year LI chose to go to South America to hold their congress. They were delighted afterwards that it was a successful 64th Congress, held in Santiago, Chile. This historic congress, LI’s first-ever in South America, brought together over 200 dedicated leaders and delegates representing 50 member parties from across the globe, united by the […]
70th Anniversary Congress 18-21 May 2017, Andorra
Many members of INLW including members of the Board attended the 70th Congress of LI in Andorra. Present were, Mireia Huerta, Silvia Flury (both left on Friday), Margaret de Vos van Steenwijk, Khadija El Morabit, Joaquima Alemany, Maysing Yang (who all left on Saturday morning), Ruth Richardson and Lysbeth van Valkenburg […]
Many INLW members participated at the 59th LI 59th Congress, April 2014 in Rotterdam
Margaret de Vos van Steenwijk, Flo Clucas, Marianne Kallen and Corina Fusu Thursday April 24th from 1.30 till 3.30 INLW held its statuary General Meeting with INLW members in the Manhatten Hotel. On the evening of Thursday May 24th INLW organized “MEET and GREET Drinks” in Café Restaurant Floor.
Important INLW Resolution on Violence against Women adopted by LI Congress!
INLW had submitted a resolution to the 59th LI congress in Rotterdam on the Istanbul Convention calling liberal parties party to the Council of Europe to press on their governments to sign, ratify and implement this very important Convention on preventing and combating violence against women. Liberal parties from outside the Council of EU should […]
INLW and ALDE GEN become partners
Ingrid de Caluwé and Marianne Kallen are pleased to see Margaret de Vos van Steenwijk President of INLW and Flo Clucas, President of ALDE GEN shake hands with each other on the occassion of the launching of the partnership between INLW and ALDE GEN. Behind them are stated goals for the partnership. In the last […]
INLW congratulates Juli Minoves as the new President of Liberal International
26th of May at the end of the LI Congress: Liberal International’s new President, Juli Minoves surrounded by his admirers; a.o. left Joaquima Alemany, past Pres. INLW; to right of Juli Minoves, Margaret de Vos;Anne Chen, DPP Taiwan; Soesila Verhagen; Kaba Fofana; Marie Louisa Florensa, Secretary General INLW The Board of INLW knows Juli Minoves […]
INLW participating at Ll Congress in Rotterdam, 24-27 April 2014
INLW organizes Meet and Greet Drinks on Tuesday 23rd April 8.30 pm at Café Restaurant Floor, Rotterdam. MEET AND GREET DRINKS for Liberal International Congress participants and INLW and Womens Network of VVD. Dutch liberals want to meet the members of the Liberal International family and vice versa. So after the harbor tour, come and […]
24 april LVN Netwerk borrel in Rotterdam (Dutch)
INLW organiseert “MEET and GREET Drinks” op donderdagavond 24 april om 20.30 uur in Café Restaurant Floor, Schouwburgplein 28 te Rotterdam. Restaurant Floor ligt naast de Doelen, onder één dak met de Schouwburg en op loopafstand van station Rotterdam Centraal. Dit ter gelegenheid van het Liberal International Congress (LI congress), dat van donderdag 24 tot zondag 27 april 2014 gehouden wordt in de […]