The organisers:
Foundation for Women’s Rights Promotion and Development serves as an information exchange platform for promoting women’s rights and gender equality in Taiwan. One of their vision is to help women’s groups engage in international exchange and participation and showcase their achievements on gender equality activities to the world. Therefore, the LEAP Workshop is held for connecting international organizations, continually servicing as a platform for local organizations to join global networks where they may discuss important topics and exchange experiences.

1. Purpose

The year 2020 marks the 5th anniversary for the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), as well as the 25th anniversary of the Beijing Platform for Action. As a result, 2020 is an optimal time to review the development and challenges of gender equality. Echoing SDGs and Beijing+25, LEAP Workshop provides an excellent opportunity and venue for women’s organizations interested in discussing the processes and lessons of SDGs and Gender Equality related development.
Therefore, the foundation has invited about forty representatives from over twenty NGOs to gather with the goal of discovering new methods for transnational and transregional alignments under the SDG and gender framework. To be able to bring gender equality and sustainable impact from a local to global scale and create a more diverse and inclusive future through collaborative initiatives and actions.

2. INLW Participation

Ms Maysing Yang has played a tremendous role in connecting INLW board members with various civil society organisations in Taiwan and highly distinguished guests. We would like to thank her on behalf of the INLW board for her invaluable efforts and positive energy to promote INLW

Panel I: B+25:Participation, Accountability and Gender-Responsive Institution
In this session, I explored Morocco’s process and expression of women in public and political decision-making, and the actions INLW Morocco Chapter and the other civil society organizations has taken to promote women’s participation in public life and decision-making.

Jayanthi Balaguru, Keynote Speech
Female Role Models are Crucial for Achieving Gender Equality