The International Network of Liberal Women INLW joins the important message for women’s rights in Shadow Report 2.0 (link) to the CEDAW Committee. The large number of signatures from non-governmental organizations underscores the significance of reporting. There is still much work to be done before gender equality in the Netherlands is achieved. Together, we are committed to achieving this goal and safeguarding the rights that all women and girls in the Netherlands have under the UN Convention on Women.

The report helps the CEDAW committee talk to the Dutch government constructively. It will occur in February 2025. During the 89th meeting of the CEDAW Committee, the Dutch government will talk constructively with the committee. This session was originally scheduled for October 20, 2024, but was postponed due to circumstances.

The UN Convention on Women in brief
The Istanbul Convention is a short name for the Council of Europe’s Convention on preventing and fighting violence against women and domestic violence. The Treaty entered into force on August 1, 2014. The aforementioned legislation has been in effect in the Netherlands since March 1, 2016.

VN-Vrouwenverdrag schaduwrapportage 2.0 nar Genève!

Begin juli 2024 is volgens plan Schaduwrapportage 2.0 (link) naar het secretariaat van het Cedaw-Comité in Genève verstuurd. Het schrijfteam was er in geslaagd de tekst binnen het maximaal toegestane aantal woorden (6.600) te houden, maar er was toen geen plaats meer voor de uitgebreide referenties – bronvermelding in de noten. Daarom is in de begeleidende brief (link) verwezen naar de schaduwrapportage 2.0 op de website van het Netwerk, waar het notenapparaat wel is opgenomen.

Het Netwerk stuurde de rapportage namens 90 maatschappelijk organisaties. De namen van de ondertekenaars zijn even eens opgenomen in de begeleidende brief.