Young city council candidates speak at APLW spring gathering
(Taipei, March 12, 2022) The Asia-Pacific Liberal Women Association (APLW) held its annual spring gathering in Taipei on March 12. The event was attended by 38 members.
Angel Wu, APLW secretary general, presented the calendar of activities for the coming year. Apart from an upcoming parallel meeting at NGO CSW66 this week, scheduled events include documentary screenings, a workshop on disinformation, and promotional events in the north, center, and south of Taiwan.
Participants gave their full support to three young APLW members who are running for seats in the Taipei City Council elections in November. All standing for the Democratic Progressive Party, the candidates are Chien Shu-pei, Chen Hsien-wei, and James Chan.
Addressing the gathering, the three candidates spoke about the impact of the war in Ukraine on the political situation in Taiwan, the shift toward liberal politics and values among the Taiwanese people, and the needs and aspirations of Taipei citizens.
In her opening remarks, APLW Chairperson Maysing Yang made a special point to welcome the male members of the APLW. She reminded everyone that, since its inception, the APLW has encouraged men to contribute to the work of the organization, according to the ideals of the global “HeForShe” campaign.
Currently, the APLW has a total of 60 members, eight of whom are men. Members have distinguished backgrounds in a range of fields, including business (22%), government (18%), politics (15%), academia (13%), NGOs (13%), health care (7%), media (5%), and others.
Spring gatherings are popular events in Taiwan to celebrate the beginning of the lunar new year. Companies, government agencies, and other organizations hold the banquets to thank their partners, employees, members, and customers.
APLW members at the spring gathering luncheon Maysing Yang, APLW president, addresses the gathering