As prescribed in our Constitution we are to hold our next General Meeting of INLW during the LI Congress in Mexico City, which is held from 29th of October till November 1st. This will be rather inconvenient for our members to come in big numbers, as we do not have a great number of members at the moment in Latin or Middle America. At this General meeting there will have to be some changes to the Board due to terms of office expiring and members being re-elected for their next term of office. Exact time and place will be communicated when the LI program is definite.

We also plan to continue our campaign there and hold a fringe meeting on the subject of stopping violence against women and girls and domestic violence. Also INLW tabled 3 resolutions to the LI Congress in Mexico: Deterioration instead of improvement of Women’s rights in Russia; INLW launch Istanbul Convention Campaign and Insecurity and Climate Change two vast Challenges for Women in Africa.