Wassenaar, September 12th 2016

Dear members,

The next Liberal International Executive Committee Meeting will take place in Marrakesh between 11 and 13th November 2016.
As a member of INLW you are welcome to attend.
Some members of the INLW Board will attend and we hope to have a gathering of members and interested women guests on the Sunday the 13th of November.
On the 11th of November there will be 2 events concerning women. First the NDI (National Democratic Institute based in the USA) together with LI and INLW will tackle the subject
“# Not the the Cost Campaign”, which is about violence in all forms against female politicians.

A request from the organizers is for you as members of INLW from different countries, if you can inform us about the situation concerning the violence against female politicians in your country. Also if available we would be pleased to receive any statistics on this subject!
Of course we would like to get this information from you as soon as possible but no later than the 1st of November.

The second event will be organized by IFLRY (young liberals) and the African Liberal Network on young women and minorities and the economic situation in the MENA region.

More details about inscription and participation can be found on the LI website of which we have copied the content of this moment hereunder. www.liberal-internatinal.org

Hope to hear and maybe meet you soon,

Kind regards,

Margaret de Vos van Steenwijk
President INLW



 LI 197th Executive Committee set to take place in Marrakech

Thursday 8 September 2016 16:09

In the margin of the UN Climate Change Summit, COP22 and under the patronage of Liberal International Vice-President on the Bureau, Minister of the Environment Hakima El Haité (Mouvement Populaire – LI full member), LI’s 197th Executive Committee (EC) will take place in Marrakech, Morocco from 11-13 November 2016.

The Kenzi Farah hotel has been selected as the EC venue and LI is arranging a room block at a preferential rate to offer the opportunity to the delegates to stay where the event will take place, with further information set to be provided in the coming days. The conference venue was used by the Africa Liberal Network (ALN – LI cooperating organisation) for their 11th annual General Assembly, which resulted in the adoption of a Human Rights Declaration. The Assembly was attended by over 90 delegates from around the world, including LI President,Dr. Juli Minoves, who discussed the global challenges to liberalism and future opportunities.

The 197th EC, which will have a special focus on the liberal approach to environmental policies fighting global warming, will draw together parliamentarians and liberals from around the world to discuss the 2017 Liberal Manifesto in the last statutory event ahead of the next LI Congress. The meeting will be convened in close cooperation with all LI members and partners in the region, including LI’s three member parties Mouvement PopulaireUnion Constitutionelle (LI full-member), Rassemblement National des Indépendants(RNI – LI member), Friedrich Naumann Foundation (LI cooperating organisation) and LI’s regional organisations.

Alongside the EC, COP22 is taking place from 7-18 November in Marrakech, where the discussion will also focus on implementing the agreements signed up to by participant countries at COP21 in Paris, France last year.

An LI delegation was received by the Director of the Political Board of Union ConstitutionelleMohammed Tamaldou, in July during a preparatory visit for the upcoming EC. 

The previous Executive Committee convened in Tbilisi, Georgia from 20-22 May, 2016 and focused on ‘Safeguarding Freedom and Security’.