
On July 12th, 2018 a Press Conference and meeting was held in Taichung Town Hall in Taiwan announcing the Launching of a new INLW Chapter. This Asia-Pacific Chapter is to be established in the new Taichung development of International NGO Centre.

Mayor Chia-Lung Lin with Maysing Yang. Juli Minoves and Margaret de Vos

INLW President Margaret de Vos van Steenwijk and LI President Juli Minoves were invited to attend the launching of INLW Asia Pacific Chapter.
Taichung is the second biggest city of Taiwan and under ambitious leadership of the DPP Mayor Chia-Lung Lin it is developing its international relations network.

At the seminar on “He for She: Stand together” Juli Minoves, Margaret de Vos, Jing-Yin Lin, MP and Maysing Yang, VP (vice-president) INLW and initiator of the INLW Asian Pacific Chapter spoke on How standing together and empowering women can help to achieve the Sustainable Development goals.

Margaret de Vos emphasized the importance of setting up the INLW Asia & Pacific Chapter. Men and Women must work on getting women to participate fully in society to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.

Later a visit was made to the INGO Training and Conference Center which is in the outskirts of Taichung, an area Wufeng, which is being redeveloped. It was abandoned after suffering on September 21, 1999 a 7.3-magnitude earthquake.

The remains of the School hit by the earthquake, around which the museum is built.

They visited the 921 Earthquake museum there, which was very impressive! Thank goodness the earthquake happened at 1 in the night, so the children escaped being hurt or killed at school.

An international rescue dog training center was visited.

There are varied International NGO offices’there, which we visited. INLW Asian Pacific Chapter would be able to have an office there.

As always Juli Minoves and Margaret de Vos were received with great hospitality. We visited the famous Concert Hall Building in Taichung, an ancient village temple as well as the marshes on the west coast. We hope to hear soon of the plans of this very important INLW Chapter which Maysing Yang is developing and wish her much success in developing it further.

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The Liberal International Human Rights Committee met inThe Hague during an event organized by the Thematic International Network of the VVD and INLW.







Chairman of Liberal International Human Rights Committee (LI HRC), Mr. Markus Loening gave us some up-dates and insight in the work of the Human Rights committee.



The next day President INLW Margaret de Vos took part in the LI HRC meeting at the VVD office. The importance was stressed of the role that the LI HRC can play if a party cannot speak out about a situation in their own country, then LI HRC might be able to speak out about the problem. LI will organize a parallel event at UN CSW 62 in New York together with INLW.


Then there was a panel discussion about “The Future of the International Liberal Order: How can we make international justice work?

Chair during the event was -Mr. Ilhan Kyuchyuk, Member of the European Parliament and ALDE Party Vice-President (MRF, Bulgaria)

Speakers were:

-Steven van Hoogstraten, CEO, Hague Institute for Global Justice

-Lousewies Van der Laan, Member of the European Parliament (1999-2003); Chief of Cabinet to the Presidency of the International Criminal Court (2009-2015) (Democrats 66, The Netherlands)

-Hon. Kiat Sitteeamorn, Secretary-General of the Council of Asian Liberals and Democrats


After the discussion we went to the Panorama Mesdag museum in The Hague where the LI Prize for Freedom was awarded. The prize was given to Ilham Tohti who is now imprisoned. Mr. Tohti has fought for democracy and Rule of law in China and the human rights of Ughurs. He campaigned for promoting conciliation between Ughurs and Han Chinese.
Ilham Tohti’s daughter, Jewher Ilham, spoke to us by video. She said that the award offers encouragement for human rights defenders in China amid increasing pressure on activists.

The Liberal Prize of freedom is Liberal International’s oldest award, it is presented annually to courageous human rights champions since 1985. Professor Ilham is the first-ever recipient of the LI Prize from mainland China.

Speeches were given by:

-Mr Hans van Baalen, Honary President of LI

-Mr. Markus Loening, LI HRC Chair and ALDE Party Vice-President

-Ms. Marie Holzman, Co-Founder of the Ilham Tohti Initiative Advancing and promoting international justice through LI Human Rights Committee

-Steven Mokgalapa, President of the Africa Liberal Network and Member of LI Human Rights Committee (Democratic Alliance, South Africa)

In the afternoon a visit was paid to the International Criminal Court where Judge Silvia Fernandez de Gurmendi, President of the International Criminal Court (Argentina)

received us and gave us her views on “Strengthening Global Justice and the Rule of Law: The International Criminal Court and Beyond”.


In the past INLW called upon the International Society to bring ex-President Laurent Gbagbo to Justice in The Hague at the then just founded ICC. This was after soldiers obeying the ex President’s call to keep him in power, had opened fire on a peaceful women’s march killing several women who were walking up front. INLW’s Vice President Kaba Fofana from Ivory Coast sent us a message about this. She said: “Tomorrow I will join in the march to lead my friends”. “Please tell the people if I don’t return, I did everything for the cause of Freedom, Democracy and Liberalism”. Thank goodness all went well the second day! It was interesting to see that the case against Mr Gbagbo is indeed still being continued. The many witnesses are still being heard at the ICC.


Margaret de Vos van Steenwijk           Lysbeth van Valkenburg-Lely

President of INLW                                             Treasurer INLW and president of INLW Nederland

As INLW President, Margaret de Vos van Steenwijk was invited to participate at the Conference held in the Shangri-La’s Far Eastern Plaza Hotel Taipei.

All participants at opening with President Tsai and Annette Lu












The Official opening was conducted on Friday morning by Taiwan’s President Ms. Tsai Ing-wen who is Taiwan’s First Female President. She said that since martial law was lifted in Taiwan 30 years ago women’s rights and women’s political participation have been fought for by a substantial portion of the Taiwanese people.  “Taiwan’s journey toward women’s empowerment has shown that promoting gender equality reinforces democratic and progressive values”. She described the former Vice President of Taiwan, Ms. Annette Lu, as being “an indispensable driving force in Taiwan’s democratization, which she paid for by 6 years imprisonment before martial law was ended”.

President of Taiwan Her Excellency Tsai Ing-wen














INLW President Margaret de Vos van Steenwijk


Margaret was invited to say some words of welcome. She stressed that INLW wants to empower women around the world by linking experiences and working together. INLW is stimulating the creation of INLW Chapters in Asia, whereby CALD Women’s Caucus can play the coordinating role. Such Chapters can play separate roles, like being a Liberal Women’s Think Tank or being a network to meet other women with experience as politicians or business women with the aim of empowering women and men for the good of all.  Her speech can be read here.

Chair of CALD Women’s Caucus Jayanthi Balaguru thanking former Vice President Taiwan Annette Lu

Annette Lu who was Taiwan’s first female Vice President from 2000 till 2008 is an INLW Patron and was the keynote speaker. She spoke of the “Perspective on She-Century and the beginning of She-Politics, She-Economy and She-Society”. In this 21st Century it is time for the feminization of power, she said and went on to explain that the most powerful leader in Europe and in fact now in the Free World is Angela Merkel! That’s the beginning of She-politics. But also, the beginning of She-economics as 85% of consumer choices are made by women! And soon 870 million women around the world will enter the job market. This will create work, start more businesses and the gender gap earnings will narrow down therefore. Women earning more will become good consumers and products will be designed and marketed more and more specifically for women or suiting women’s taste.

She felt that the fact that in Taiwan the two major parties have Chairwomen is a milestone for the feminist movement she launched 40 years ago in Taiwan. She continued to address the role of women as peacemakers and their so-called Soft Power approach.


Enthousiastic participants




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On the 25th of March the Dutch Liberal Women’s Network organised a speed-dating event to inspire women to apply for the municipal elections in March 2018. Over 35 women and one gentleman, some members of VVD and some just interested persons made the acquaintance of several VVD politicians. The municipal elections next year in March may seem a long way off but in the second half of this year the candidate lists will be made. Dutch Liberal Women’s Network states that the number of women in city councils are still insufficient compared to the number of men, according to Karima Bouchtaoui, member of the Liberal Women’s Network.

In 2014 only 28,3 % of the members were women and only 20% of the alderman were female. The number of mayors is slowly increasing but especially in small villages the number of women is still low. Time for action!

The event started with a lunch in order to network with one another. During the speed date the ladies had talks with Chantal Nijkerken, Hayke Veltman, Eric Ziengs, Paulien Geerdink and Sabine Koebrugge all politicians in parliament or local councils.

Questions such as: How can you become active in the local politics? What are the do’s and don’ts if you want to become a member of the city council? How is the procedure to get on the candidate list? were discussed. The experiences and personal stories that the VVD politicians gave, were helpful and motivating. The entire event was an enormous success. Cards were exchanged and conversations profound. But the most important result was that after the event several ladies decided to get themselves candidate for the procedure to be elected as a member of the city council. That was the purpose of this speed dating, according to Liberal Women’s Network chair Marijke Vos-Maan in her final words.

On to March 21st, 2018 with a good many talented women on the list!

H.E. (Lysbeth) van Valkenburg-Lely

President Dutch Chapter INLW

As you know, INLW’s President was asked by the International Women’s Peace Group (IWPG) to participate at a Conference in September in Seoul, South Korea. As President of INLW Margaret de Vos represented INLW at different events.

The aim of this enormous Conference was to advocate the Declaration on Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW) which was proclaimed on the 14th of March 2016 in Seoul, which in the end should result in an international legal binding document to be adopted by the United Nations and then signed, ratified and implemented by all UN Member States. This to help bring peace everywhere.

The IWPG have begun by advocating this DPCW within the world women’s organizations, and this was the reason for inviting INLW.

At this moment two of the members who are advocating this DPCW, Amy Park and Kate Kim, are in the Netherlands and making contact with different organizations.

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INLW organiseert “MEET and GREET Drinks” op donderdagavond  24 april om 20.30 uur in Café Restaurant Floor, Schouwburgplein 28 te Rotterdam. Restaurant Floor ligt naast de Doelen, onder één dak met de Schouwburg en op loopafstand van station Rotterdam Centraal. Dit ter gelegenheid van het Liberal International Congress (LI congress), dat van donderdag 24 tot zondag 27 april 2014 gehouden wordt in de Doelen te Rotterdam. Voor meer informatie over het congres zie:

INLW, waar het Liberaal Vrouwen Netwerk en enkele LVNers individueel lid van zijn, wil op deze “Meet and Greet netwerkborrel“ de mogelijkheid bieden, dat de Nederlandse LVNers en de internationale liberale conferentiedeelnemers elkaar kunnen ontmoeten. Maak gebruik van deze kans! De LI delegate members komen uit de hele wereld voor dit congres naar Rotterdam. De laatste keer dat LI in Nederland een congres hield was in 1996 in Noordwijk. Aangezien het congres zelf alléén toegankelijk is voor de delegates is deze borrel de enige mogelijkheid om VVDers iets van het LI congres te laten meemaken! Wij, LVN stuurgroep en INLW bestuur, vinden het ook belangrijk dat de liberalen uit de wereld als zij nu Nederland aandoen de mogelijkheid krijgen VVDers te ontmoeten en te spreken!

Ook al is het iets kortdag, kom met z’n allen deze Liberalen welkom heten in onze Liberale kring! Het is zeker handig voor de organisatie als je laat weten of je denkt te komen!

Ik verheug mij jullie donderdag de 24ste om 20.30 te zien en jullie aan andere wereld liberalen voor te stellen!

INLW houdt op donderdag 24 april, 14.00-15.00 uur haar General Meeting in het Manhattan Hotel in Rotterdam, Board Room. Leden van INLW zijn van harte welkom deze huishoudelijke vergadering bij te wonen.

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Hakima el Haiti (on the left), deputy President of INLW and Deputy Minister of Environment in the Maroccan government. She is the First female minister of Mouvement Populaire party, full member of LI. INLW is very proud of both board members who are playing such an important role in Marocco!

Mrs Khadija Oum Bachair EL MORABIT, vice president of International Network of Liberal Women (INLW) for the MENA region, has been elected on 4/1/14 at the General Assembly of the Association of Harakies Women as the National President of this association, which is a parallel organism of the Mouvement Populaire Party in Morocco.
The INLW board congratulates Khadija with this election for the important post of President of Harakies Women. We wish her success with the plight for equal rights for women and girls in Marocco.

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